
Ok, after a short period of laziness, I come back for more. I warned you about my activity, but, to be fair, it’s been a busy couple of weeks at work.

However, before starting, I wanted you to know that there is an upcoming Course for Functional Programming Principles in Scala in 25 days (starts on September 15th). You can find more information about it (or even enroll in it) at Coursera. The course is in charge of Martin Odersky, the creator of Scala, so you are in good hands.

So, back to business. On this session let’s talk about some more real programming.

Control Flow Tools

The if statement

The most basic and probably the most well known statement in programming, the conditional control flow:

val x: Int = 10

if (x < 0)
  println("x is Negative")
else if (x > 0)
  println("x is Positive")
  println("x is Zero")

// Will return: "x is Positive"

Very basic, right? So, what are the differences with Python’s if?

For starter, the indentation is not actually necessary, it is used for better reading, but you can put everything with the same indent. Actually, it’s even possible to make an if statement at the same line. But, it is important to remark, as it dos not holds a colon to delimit the end of the boolean expression to value, it does needs the parentheses to delimit it.

You can also see that there is no elif but you just start another if after the else.

val x = -1

if (x < 0) println("x is Negative") else if (x > 0) println("x is Positive") else println("x is Zero")

// Will return: "x is Negative"

if x < 0 println("x is Negative") // Invalid, will result in error.

The blocking delimiter in an if statement can be nothing as long as there is only one instruction after the if or the else, or can be the curly braces: { and }:

val x = -2

if (x > 0) {
  println("x is Positive.")

  val y = x * 2

  println("The double of x is: " + y)

This programs obviously prints nothing. But if it doesn’t have the curly braces to delimit the if statement, the results would be:

The double of x is: -4

This happens because when and if lacks curly braces it only takes the immediate next statement as its body.

Loop statements

There are three types of loops in Scala: while, do…while and for.

The statements while and do…while are very similar. The two of them execute a set of instructions multiple times until the condition they hold is false. Much like Python’s while.

Still, the same as with the if statement, the delimiter is either the immediate next instruction or it is delimited by curly braces.

The main difference between while and do…while, is that the latter executes what is inside the block of instructions at least once after checking on the breaking instruction:

var x = 10

while (x > 0) {
  println("The value of x is: " + x)
  x -= 1

// Will print successively the value of x until x equals 0

x = 10

do {
  println("The value of x is: " + x)
} while (x > 0)

// Exactly the same

x = 0

while (x > 0) {
  println("The value of x is: " + x)
  x -= 1

// Doesn't print anything. The value of x is 0 at the end of the loop.

x = 0

do {
  println("The value of x is: " + x)
  x -= 1
} while (x > 0)

// Prints: "The value of x is: 0" and finish. The value of x is -1 at the end of the loop.

The for statement, as much as in Python, is useful for traversing Lists or Arrays. It’s also useful for list comprehensions. These are a very powerful tools in functional programming, that actually Python also supports (check on them if you are not familiar with it).

val xs: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

for (x <- xs) println(x) // Prints the values of xs, from 1 to 5

val ys: List[Int] = for (x <- xs) yield x * x

// The list ys holds the squares of every value in xs: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25

val zs: List[Int] = for (x <- xs if x % 2 == 0) yield x / 2

// The list zs has the half-values of the pairs in xs: 1, 2

If you check on the yield instruction, this means that it will return the result of the next operation as a value. Also, you can use the if statement inside a for to set a filter for the values to go through.

The statement after yield can be anything that returns a value, so it can be a function created before, or even a block (that is actually a function, but let’s not get into that for now) with a returning value at the end:

val xs = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

val ys = for (x <- xs) yield {
  // A lot of different operations over x, stored in a variable called "result"

As an ending note on Scala loops, there is no direct control over the loop, I mean, there is no break, continue or (may God have mercy on me for this forbidden word) goto. When a loop starts there is no easy way to make it break or jump on a cycle (you can set an if inside as well as other kinds of workarounds).

The thing with Scala is, that if you need to mess with the natural flow of a loop, maybe there is another and cleaner way to do it.

The range equivalent (to and until)

If you come from Python, you are surely familiar with the range function, and maybe with the xrange function which is a lazy iterator.

In Scala there is a similar way to declare a range, the to operator:

val xs = 0 to 10

// xs now holds a immutable Range object that goes from 0 to 10

The main difference with this an Python’s range, is that with the to operator you always need the lower boundary: this means there is not equivalent to range(10) for example. And, the resulting range, holds both boundaries: in our example 0 and 10 are part of the resulting Range object, whereas in Python, the upper boundary is not in the resulting list. If you want a range without taking in consideration the upper boundary, you can have it with the until operator:

val xs = 0 until 10

// xs holds a Range that goes from 0 to 9

for (x <- 0 until 10) println(x) // Will print all the numbers from 0 to 9

As you could see in the last examples, the until (as well as the to) operator, can be used directly in a for loop to create a range to loop over it.

The pass equivalent

For the last of today’s post, I’ll make a brief reference to Python’s pass Scala equivalent. There is none, as simple as that, in Scala if you don’t want to do something you just leave a blank space (as long as it is clear that there is a blank statement):

class EmptyClass // Is valid

for (x <- 0 until 10) {} // Will go through the for without doing anything

for (x <- 0 until 10) // Wrong, it's ambiguous where the the blank statement is

Ok. I think this is more than enough for today. We learned some of the most common control flow structures on Scala. Go and experiment by yourselves now. As always, don’t hesitate to leave your comments.

Thank you for reading. See you soon!

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Cristian Cardellino



Cristian Cardellino

Notes of a Computer Scientist

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